The Board of Regents of Guimaras State University (GSU), McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras formally and publicly announces that the Search for the two (2) Private Sector Representatives (PSR) of GSU is now open.
I. Minimum Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants/Nominees for GSU Private Sector Representative must meet the following minimum conditions for appointment:
- Be a Filipino citizen and at least thirty (30) years old but not more than sixty five (65) years old on the day of the deadline of application or nomination;
- From an industry, business, or profession preferably related to the GSU’s charter or mandate;
- Have at least five (5) years of employment, business, or practice of profession in the private sector;
- Be domiciled in or a resident for at least two (2) years of Guimaras where the GSU or its campuses are located, prior to his or her application/nomination to the PSR position;
- Not connected with GSU or other government agencies and instrumentalities in any manner, for one (1) year immediately prior to his or her application/nomination to the PSR position;
- Not currently employed or appointed to any position in the government (local, national, including government-owned and controlled corporations), be it full time or part time, at the time of nomination for the PSR position;
- Not related to any member of the present Board or their duly-authorized representatives, within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity; and
- Not have been a candidate who lost in any national or local election, except for barangay elections, within one (1) year after such election.
II. Documentary Requirements for Application or Nomination to the PSR:
Duly notarized application or nomination (with the conforme of the Nominee);Addressed to:Dr. Methusela C. Perrocha
Search Committee for Private Sector Representative
Guimaras State University
McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras - Duly accomplished, computerized and notarized Personal Data Sheet (CSC Form 212);
- Certificate of employment stating Nominee’s present position in the private sector related to the industry, business or profession related to GSU’s charter or mandate;
- Service Record of Nominees who have been employed in the government at any point;
- NBI Clearance;
- Certification of No Connection with GSU;
- Signed Commitment and Availability of the Nominee to serve as PSR;
- Signed Conforme to the Conditions of PSR as provided in Section 14 of CMO No. 07 Series of 2022; and,
- Other documents as may be required by the GSU GB.
An applicant who does not meet any of the above mentioned minimum eligibility requirements and cannot submit pertinent supporting documents shall be disqualified from the search process. Nomination form can be obtained from the Office of the University/ Board Secretary.
Applications, nominations, and other documentary requirements shall be filed personally, through a representative, by registered mail, or by authorized private courier, with the Secretariat of the SCPSR mentioned below, provided that all applications or nominations must be received in one (1) original and three (3) certified true copies on or before March 22, 2023.
Mrs. Janet R. Aleman
University/Board Secretary VGSU-SCPSR Secretariat
Guimaras State University
McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras
Prof. Josie H. Gaitano
Executive Assistant to the PresidentGSU-SCPSR Secretariat
Guimaras State University
McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras