The Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, Training, and Innovation (OVPRETI) serves as the university's focal point for RETI. It oversees the execution of various Research and Development commodity programs and extension activities. Research and Development (R&D), Community Extension Services (CES), Skills Training Center (STC), Center for Journal Publications, Intellectual Property Management Office (IPMO), Industrial Technology Research and Development Center (ITRDC), Mango and Tropical Fruits Research Center (MTFRC), and Western Visayas Food Innovation Center (WVFIC) are among the centers it includes.
The OVPRETI is responsible for advising the University President on the development and implementation of administrative policies, strategies, and procedures relating to research, extension, training, and innovation. The VPRETI is also responsible for the planning, implementation, and monitoring of all research, extension, innovation, and training programs, as well as any necessary collaborations with institutional linkages.
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