The Guimaras State College – Mango and Tropical Fruits Research Center (GSC-MTFRC) stands as a principal agricultural institution for Research and Development as a result of the Guimaras State College’s serious efforts in promoting the country’s food security and environmental and agricultural sustainability through the restoration, conservation, and utilization of mango and tropical fruits in the Province of Guimaras, Philippines. The center was established under the administration of Dr. Lilian Diana B. Parreño, College President, on April 01, 2021, through a Memorandum Order 140 series of 2021. It promotes interdisciplinary research endeavors by engaging all faculty from each College to collaborate on mango and tropical fruit research. It has five (5) research areas: (1) germplasm and indigenous genetic resources; (2) sustainable fruit production; (3) sustainable postharvest and processing; (4) engineering innovation/ tropical fruit production 4.0; and (5) socio-economic sustainability. It is under the Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, Training, and Innovation (VPRETI).
The center functions to do the following:
- Formulate and recommend a research agenda for the college-specific research on mango and tropical fruits based on the National and Regional Development Goals.
- Create criteria for evaluating research projects of the Center.
- Recommend to the Administration duly approved research proposals for funding.
- Establish linkages with other State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), and research institutions for both local and international to encourage exchange and sharing of resources.
- Provide a system of appropriate rewards and incentives following the applicable government accounting and auditing rules.
- Conduct periodic in-house reviews and symposia.
- Endorse completed faculty researches for publication in regional, national and international journals.
- Publish completed and properly reviewed researches in either Himal-us or HERR journal, both are Guimaras State College journal publications.
- Create opportunities for undergraduate internships, and support graduate student researches.