Public Notice – Office of the University President

Through this notice, the concerned and general public at large are informed that the Guimaras State University thru its University President Dr. Lilian Diana B. Parreño, “DO NOT AND DOES NOT COLLECT ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY OR ANY OF ITS EQUIVALENT FROM ANY SUPPLIER OR CONTRACTOR” connected with the Guimaras State University.

General public is hereby cautioned that “NOBODY” has the authority of whatsoever nature to transact any act of solicitation or to receive any amount of money or any of its equivalent on behalf of the Guimaras State University.

Further, general public is alerted, not to enter into any transaction mentioned herein. Any natural or juridical person dealing with the same shall do so at their own risk and responsibility. Guimaras State University shall not tolerate nor be responsible for the unlawful transaction in any manner.

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